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вакансия PR intern в Intel

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Intel staffing  (рейтинг: 60) 06.07.2007 11:16
Public Affairs intern 537231


In this position you will be responsible for supporting programs that create positive business environment and enhance Intel’s reputation including projects with non-profit organizations, local government, schools/universities and employee volunteers. Your duties will also include help with event coordination (e.g. mass-media events, volunteer days or site tours). You will have to complete such administrative tasks as large-scale mailings, managing donations, and tracking program performance, intranet and web posting, assisting Corporate Affairs Manager(s) with other job-related tasks. Some travel may be required.


- Full-time university student of 4th year, full time master or postgraduate student specializing in Public Relations, Journalism, Marketing/Advertizing, Civil Service/Public Administration, Languages or related field.
- Any relevant job experience, including short-term internships will be a plus.

- Good written/verbal English and perfect Russian.
- Excellent communication skills, multi-tasking, attention to detail.

- Event planning and project management skills desired.
- Ability to work well with in a (virtual) team environment.
- Ability to work with employee volunteers.

Please, submit your CV to [email protected] or
^  babydoll  (рейтинг: 9330) [to: Intel staffing] 06.07.2007 19:28
у меня жим опять глючит :(

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