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Portuguese-English Interchange

Mauricio Borges 05.12.2004 06:07
Hello everybody!

My name is Mauricio Borges, a 28 year-old man from Sгo Josй do Rio Preto, Brazil.
I found your website and I was very surprised to know that you have a linguistics department which deals with Portuguese, my mother language. I love Russian, and Iґve studied it by myself for some months now . Itґs a wonderful language, and the more I study it, the more I am in love with it.
I decided to write to you because I am interested in exchanging experiences with everybody there: both teachers and students. I also want to make friends and swap materials such as newspapers, comics, books, anything which can make the act of learning a foreing language easier and funnier.
I graduated from one of the biggest univesities here in Brazil: University of the State of Sгo Paulo. I majored in English-Portuguese Translator. Therefore Iґm a translator. But Iґm also a teacher of Portuguese and English. So you can write to me in English, Portuguese, Russian or Spanish. Besides, itґll be a great pleasure for me to help you. Iґll always do my best.
Well, thank you for your attention. I look forward to your answer eagerly.
Obrigado, ????? ???????!!!
Mauricio Borges
^  tasa  [to: Mauricio Borges] 05.12.2004 18:34
Hallo,Mauricio! It's so cool that you've found us from far away Brazil. Please,leave your e-mail I'll be glad to write to you.
^  Jonny  (рейтинг: 22100) [to: tasa] 08.12.2004 04:32
Hombre! el email ya esta aqui:
mauricioj_borges[at] (at=@)

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